Building skyscrapers, and spending on major projects

How fast can buildings be built these days? I took all buildings taller than 200m from here and did some plotting. Data quality was a bit bad, it only states construction time a whole years, not months, and they may not be accounting for start/stops. Nor is it fully comprehensive, I had to add most of the Broad Group's buildings data. BG's are smaller than the others, so they break the 200m criteria. But I've included them because of how unique they are -they are built really fast-, and because they claim t…

Progress in nuclear energy

[Epistemic status: Possible] The idea of a nuclear chain reaction arose around 1930-40, the first reacton (Chicago Pile), a very barebones design, in 1942. Later, in 1956, a small (by today's standards) plant at Calder Hall and a more experimental plant at Obninsk some years earlier were the first nuclear fission plants providing power for civilian purposes. Since then, no new advances in the fundamental physics of reactors have changed. Fundemental physics advanced later, but the discovery of, say, quarks …

Is (useful) physics over?

[Epistemic status: highly likely] Physics has been proclaimed to be dead a few times. Is this time for real? I think there will certainly not be novelty, say for a thousand years. This thing cannot keep going on so that we are always going to discover more and more new laws. If we do, it will become boring that there are so many levels one underneath the other. It seems to me that what can happen in the future is either that all the laws become known... or it may happen that the experiments get harder and …

Technology some people are excited about

(Epistemic status: Possible) Nat Friedman asked twitter for technology (or achievements enabled by future tech, or broadly "cool stuff") people are excited about, and quite a few replied. Here's a compiled list by theme with some comments. Some of these may not make sense as stated, if so have a look at the thread. In bold are things that I thought of not included in the original list. The ones that I see as most interesting are the ones related to medicine. One, because a better understanding of …

Links (20)

Collection of papers and articles that I’ve spotted since my previous links post that seem interesting. Tech The Ocean Cleanup foundation proposes technology to clean 50%of the world's ocean plastic in 5 years. Electric airplanes! Electric airliners! Big beautiful flying rockets Bio David Gobel, from the Methuselah Foundation, believes thatby 2030, technology will add more than 1 life of year expectancy per year, effectively achieving "Longevity Escape Velocity", meaning that everyone alive …

The crumbling public/private distinction

[Epistemic status: Possible] What is public and private these days? These words, Public and Private, historically have been used to refer to things associated with the State -at some level - and things that are not, with a gradient in between (i.e. Public-Private Partnerships). At least there is one relevant subdivision of public and private: ownership versus orientation. A for-profit corporation is a private entity that pursues private ends, a charity is a private entity that pursues public ends, a local g…