Links (56)
On how Ilya Lichtenstein and Heather Morgan, who stole 120K of Bitcoin, got arrested
Scott Alexander retrospective on his ACX grants program, with related debate on meta-rationality on Twitter. Some of it is similar to the observation at the end of my review of Talent, finding pragmatic "good enough" solutions to problems seemingly requiring lots of time. Similar reasoning here with Holden Karnofky's non-review of David Graeber's last book.
Regrowing frog limbs, note that this is enhancing a process that is already present in progs, not enabling de novo a frog that can't regenerate to do so. Here's a primer to Michael Levin's work by Alex Kesin. Thread.
Scott Sumner wants to abolish FDIC (deposit insurance). I agree.
Simulating a small MVP of a cell (500 genes) over 20 minutes
Works in Progress (That just got acquired by Stripe!) issue 6
China's private cities
Matt Clancy's January updates
We now eat more, and this may be enough to explain why people are more obese
Scott Aaronson on AlphaCode
Why isn't there a replication crisis in math?
Wordcels and shape rotators
Taking away inventor's rights reduces innovation (i.e. assigning IP to the university, not the professor; in Norway) ht/ David Lang
I did an interview for the "External Medicine Podcast"
Alexey's Best of Twitter
The US needs more doctors
Radicalizing the kids into biology, the way it should be done
Hypersonics: what you should know
Words that are known better by men than women (and vice versa)
Be impatient
What profound discoveries have not yet been made?
SF homeless man explains homelessness in SF
Red Pen Reviews (a website I trust for nutrition science) reviews a leading carnivore diet book
Terraform Industries' gigascale atmospheric hydrocarbon synthesis
The US set aside some money in 2009 for high speed rail... which never happened (Though it doesn't necessarily should have)
This lamp
A call for science funding lotteries in the NSF
Singapore's prime minister can code
The Karikó problem. Also, the importance of in person interactions.
The Hollywood model for science funding
Automation is coming to the life sciences. But in-person research is not going away.
Meta-grants from OpenPhil
John Luttig on Microsoft
How software in the life sciecnes actually works
Derek Lowe on AlphaFold
Thread with recommendations on lab equipment
Dynamicland: What is going on with it
Scientific flip-flopping: miasma theory was right all along edition
Old music is killing new music, argues Ted Gioia. Maybe mass-market music is dead, but we are also living through a Cambrian explosion of new genres and amazing music. Techno marching bands, trap metal, funk jazz metal something, whatever this is.