Links (81)
Jean Hebert, who proposes the stepwise replacement of brain tissue, has now joined ARPA-H
Why does Ozempic cure all disease
Scott Alexander on Nietzschean takes on morality, with an additional take from David Chapman, You should be a God-Emperor
Radiant, company started by ex-SpaceX engineer to
PBMs: a key player in the fuckupedness of the american healthcare system
Via Scott Alenxader's links, powering airplanes via microwaves. I had this idea back in 2021.
Blue Origin's factory
Using toxoplasma for delivery into the brain
Profile of Palmer Luckey
Nudge, a company trying to build an ultrasound headset to enhance human experience
Twitter thread wherein I discover that not everyone likes 1:1 hangouts!
"From barista to billionaire" (via Nick Camaratta)
I did circling