Writing a better Entrepreneurial State
Readers of this blog will know that I'm not a fan of Mariana Mazzucato's Entrepreneurial State.
But suppose I had to write that book, arguing the same thing Mazzucato argues. How would it look like? It would be something like a mixture of two existing sources:
- The first is Josh Lerner's Boulevard of Broken Dreams: Why public efforts to boost entrepreneurship and venture capital have failed, and what do to about it (2009).
- NESTA report How Innovation Agencies Work (2016)
Comments from WordPress
Mr.Primeiro 2016-06-15T19:53:46Z
How is the best book, paper or article which refutes the Mariana Mazzucato’s Entrepreneurial State?
Artir 2016-06-15T20:29:20Z
My own posts, available here under Science, Technology... https://artir.wordpress.com/series-de-articulos/
This also includes a very good critique by Alberto Mingardi, and a summary of every other critique.
Mr.Primeiro 2016-06-16T02:09:56Z
Thx, do you know some paper/book/article that advocates for the free trade? A book which refutes the "infant industry argument" and show the trade history in the 19th century?
sorry if my english is bad, i'm brazilian.
*"What", instead of "How is the best book..."
Artir 2016-06-16T11:27:22Z
I don't have a good source for that but this http://eh.net/book_reviews/kicking-away-the-ladder-development-strategy-in-historical-perspective/ and this http://press.princeton.edu/titles/10486.html and this https://www.amazon.com/Against-Tide-Intellectual-History-Trade/dp/0691011389?ie=UTF8&ref_=asap_bc may be helpful
Mr.Primeiro 2016-06-16T21:13:48Z
do you have a PDF version of "Against the Tide"? here in Brazil imported goods are expensive :p
Artir 2016-06-16T21:49:40Z
There are many 'Against the tide' Here's one https://mises.org/files/against-tidepdf
Mr.Primeiro 2016-06-16T22:43:53Z
This: https://www.amazon.com/Against-Tide-Intellectual-History-Trade/dp/0691058962
Artir 2016-06-16T23:50:47Z
Hm, I can't find it...
Mr.Primeiro 2016-06-18T00:20:08Z
what u think about Korea? was the government responsible for the korean growth?