Polanyian Rhapsody, a bibliography
At some point I plan to read (some of) the references below. Feel free to suggest more in the comments. The general theme is Polanyi's The Great Transformation and the decades-long conversation that it originated. In bold, references that I think are the most important, and some of which I've already read.
Polanyi, K. (1957). The Great Transformation:(the Political and Economic Origin of Our Time). Beacon Press.
North, D. C. (1977). Markets and other allocation systems in history: the challenge of Karl Polanyi.Journal of European Economic History, 6(3), 703.
Snell, D. C. (1991). Marketless trading in our time.Journal of the Economic and Social History of the Orient/Journal de l'histoire economique et sociale de l'Orient, 129-141.
Silver, M. (1983). Karl Polanyi and markets in the ancient Near East: the challenge of the evidence.Journal of economic history, 43(04), 795-829.
Mayhew, A., Neale, W. C., & Tandy, D. W. (1985).Markets in the ancient Near East: A challenge to Silver's argument and use of evidence. The Journal of Economic History, 45(01), 127-134.
Law, R. (1992). Posthumous questions for Karl Polanyi: Price inflation in pre-colonial Dahomey. The Journal of African History, 33(03), 387-420.
Robertson, J. F., & Silver, M. (1993). On Profit-Seeking, Market Orientations, and Mentality in the" Ancient Near East".
McCloskey, D. N. (1997). Polanyi was right, and wrong. Eastern Economic Journal, 23(4), 483-487.
Hejeebu, S., & McCloskey, D. (1999).The Reproving of Karl Polanyi. Critical Review, 13(3-4), 285-314.
Ankarloo, D. (2002, October). Using Karl Polanyi as a stepping stone for a critique of the new institutionalist orthodoxy. In Paper to be presented at the CRIC Workshop:“Polanyian Perspectives on Instituted Economic Processes: Development and Transformation”. The University of Manchester, UK(pp. 23-25).
Block, F. (2003). Karl Polanyi and the writing of the Great Transformation. Theory and society, 32(3), 275-306.
Blyth, M. (2004). The great transformation in understanding Polanyi: Reply to Hejeebu and Mccloskey. Critical Review, 16(1), 117-133.
Krippner, G., Granovetter, M., Block, F., Biggart, N., Beamish, T., Hsing, Y., ... & Burawoy, M. (2004). Polanyi symposium: a conversation on embeddedness. Socio-Economic Review, 2(1), 109-135.
Hejeebu, S., & McCloskey, D. (2004). Polanyi and the history of capitalism: rejoinder to Blyth.
Smith, M. E. (2004). The archaeology of ancient state economies. Annual Review of Anthropology, 73-102.
Karnik, A. (2008). Transformations, then and now: The appeal of Karl Polanyi. Economic and Political Weekly, 101-109.
Oka, R., & Kusimba, C. M. (2008). The archaeology of trading systems, part 1: towards a new trade synthesis. Journal of Archaeological Research,16(4), 339-395.
Garraty, C. P., & Stark, B. L. (2010). Archaeological approaches to market exchange in ancient societies. University Press of Colorado.
Feinman, G. M., & Garraty, C. P. (2010). Preindustrial markets and marketing: Archaeological perspectives. Annual Review of Anthropology, 39, 167-191.
Smith, M. E., Feinman, G. M., Drennan, R. D., Earle, T., & Morris, I. (2012). Archaeology as a social science. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 109(20), 7617-7621.
Landes, D. S., Mokyr, J., & Baumol, W. J. (Eds.). (2012). The invention of enterprise: Entrepreneurship from ancient Mesopotamia to modern times. Princeton University Press.
McCloskey, D. N. (2013). The poverty of Boldizzoni: resurrecting the German historical school.Investigaciones de Historia Económica-Economic History Research, 9(1), 2-6.
England, C. (2015). The limits of transformation: Contemporary applications of Karl Polanyi. The Journal of Australian Political Economy, (76), 29.
Gemici, K. (2015). The Neoclassical Origins of Polanyi’s Self-Regulating Market. Sociological Theory, 33(2), 125-147.
Hodgson, G. M. (2016). Karl Polanyi on economy and society: a critical analysis of core concepts.Review of Social Economy, 1-25.
Jerven, M. (2016)Capitalism in pre-colonial Africa: A review. Working paper
McCloskey, D. N. (2016). Bourgeois equality: How ideas, not capital or institutions, enriched the world. University of Chicago Press.
And perhaps some of the posts here
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fmarain 2016-07-24T09:51:40Z
Block, Fred, and Margaret R. Somers. 2014. The Power of Market Fundamentalism: Karl Polanyi’s Critique. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press.