Counting the Austrian economists

How many Austrian economists are out there? Here I present a list of them. In a previous post (spanish), I listed some Austrian work published in listed (JCR) journals. First, who counts as an Austrian economist? I rely on these two conditions: Have published in an Austrian journal, not in a guest or special review, but because of a particular interest in Austrian themes Cite positively and use meaningfully, Austrian theory and/or authors Would anyone else think they are/are not Austrian? (Given this, feel…

Why so many communists?

There are a few around. What could be the reasons behind their communism, from their point of view? Though I don't think the points below can be weaved in a good argument for communism [1], I think is handy to have such a list. Dialectic materialism is true: Falling rate of profit Worker exploitation Correlation between prices and labour (LTV) Worker exploitation Based on Marx's Labour Value Theory For Analytical Marxistas and others, based on some other theory Standard of living in the Soviet Union …

¿Es racional jugar a la lotería?

Existe cierto debate sobre este tema Por un lado, tenemos el argumento clásico a favor de la tesis de irracionalidad: Si se atiende a criterios puramente monetarios, y se asume que el jugador quiere maximizar la esperanza estadística de sus ganancias, ciertamente es irracional. Asumamos una lotería simple donde existe una probabilidad p de ganar una cantidad Q. El coste de la lotería es C. La utilidad esperada de esta lotería es pues U(Q,C,p)=p*Q-C Normalmente p es muy pequeña, Q es muy grande y C es relati…

Sobre el papel irrelevante de la mujer qua mujer en el debate del aborto

Algo que suele decirse de algunos debates sobre el aborto es que no hay presencia femenina en ellos. Esta posición podría acotarse entre el extremo de que debe haber al menos una mujer en cada debate, hasta el otro extremo de que, de entrada, sólo las mujeres pueden debatir sobre este tema. Aunque no se hace eso explícito, la presencia exclusiva de seis mujeres en uno de los pocos debates sobre el aborto de cierta relevancia en español (Nosotras parimos, ¿Nosotras decidimos?, La Tuerka (2013) ), puede inter…

You didn't invent that! Aircraft Turbine Chevrons Edition

I recently saw a tweet NASA-developed chevrons to reduce noise! Cool! But where did those really come from? This post involves an intro about what aircraft engines are and how they work, and then an exploration of the patents that lead up to this invention, and the story of the organisations that were involved in developing them. Aircraft Engines The thing you see in the picture is something similar to what generates power in many large scale electrical…

Less Wrong shibboleths

There's a site that commanded certain popularity among a sizable fraction of the Smart Internet™, Less Wrong. Founded by Overcoming Bias co-blogger Eliezer Yudkowsky in 2009, and now mostly dead (The site, not Yudkowsky, lol) , it has spawned a number of separate communities that remain active. Shibbolethsare words or customs that serve to identify members of an ingroup from members of an outgroup. In this context, Less Wrong shibboleths are things that, if you read them, you know the writer probably has so…