The Non-Non-Libertarian FAQ
aka The webpage you will always remember for changing your political views, maybe :)
0.1: Who are you, what is this?
For me, see in the About section of this site.
This is a response to Scott Alexander's Non-Libertarian FAQ, initially written in 2010 and revised in 2013. Note that his FAQ is not called the Anti-Libertarian FAQ. In the same spirit, this FAQ does not defend libertarianism, but criticises arguments offered against libertarianism.
0.2: Are you a libertar…
Una idea relativamente extendida es que las condiciones materiales condicionan fuerte o totalmente la ideología política: la conocida idea marxista de la conciencia de clase. Para Marx, existirían unos valores de ricos y otros de obreros determinados por la posición de cada uno con respecto a los medios de producción, lo que generaría diferencias irreconciliables. De ahí la lucha de clases.
Pero esa idea es falsa: la gente votaen general sociotrópicamente, pensando en el bienestar general de la sociedad y n…
Bryan Caplan wrote an article some years ago presenting a tiered view of macroeconomic knowledge. I want to present here a similar tiered view. I've been thinking on it for a while, and I recently found similar thoughts in Anthony J. Evans' book_Markets for Managers:_
Or, as Arnold Kling puts it, there are three schools of thought. To Chicago economists ‘markets work, use markets’. To Keynesian economists ‘markets fail, use government’. But to Austrian economists ‘markets fail, use markets’. If there’s ine…
One of the notions that Rawls presents in his works is that of "overlapping consensus". The idea is that a conception of the political order should be able to be defended from a variety of philosophical or ideological points of view in order to make it stable. An idea of justice shouldn't be only defensible from a given closed ideological package. Rawls himself, however, only tried to argue that his conception of the political order could also be endorsed by utilitarians. It occurred to me to try …
Extracted from here.
I assumed 60% of HERD goes to Private and 40% to Government, as the source of funding for Higher Education institutions is roughly that (Data from the same report)
It followed the trend it was following before it, or so we can see in data from NACA (What NASA used to be)
In its present state, and even considering the improvements possible when adopting the higher temperatures proposed for the immediate future, the gas turbine engine could hardly be considered a feasible application to airplanes mainly because of the difficulty in complying with stringent weight requirements imposed by aeronautics. The present internal-combustion engine equipment used in airplanes wei…