Austríacos en journals mainstream
Cosas que economistas (vivos) de la Escuela Austríaca han publicado en journals científicos, considerando tales como los incluidos en la lista JCR
Errores, nuevas entradas y demás: [email protected]
Peter J. Boettke
- Riding in Cars with Boys: Elinor Ostrom’s Adventures with the Police.” Journal of Institutional Economics
- “Comparative Historical Political Economy.” Journal of Institutional Economics
- “Earw(h)ig: I Can’t Hear You Because Your Ideas Are Old.” Cambridge Journal of Economics
- “The Impact of Nobel Prize Winners in Economics: Mainline vs. Mainstream.” American Journal of Economics and Sociology
- “Quasimarket Failure.” Public Choice
- “Institutions First.” Journal of Institutional Economics
- Teaching Economics, Appreciating Spontaneous Order, and Economics as a Public Science.” Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization
- Is the only form of 'reasonable regulation' self-regulation?; Lessons from Lin Ostrom on regulating the commons and cultivating citizens" Public Choice
- “Cultivating Catallactics: Laurence Moss as Scholar and Mentor.” American Journal of Economics and Sociology
- "What Happened to Efficient Markets?" The Independent Review
- "Two-Tiered Entrepreneurship and Economic Development." International Review of Law & Economics
- “The Problem of Credible Commitment in Reconstruction,” Journal of Institutional Economics
- “Institutional Stickiness & the New Development Economics,” American Journal of Economics & Sociology
- “Maximizing Behavior & Market Forces: The Microfoundations of Spontaneous Order Theorizing in Gordon Tullock’s Contributions to Smithian Political Economy,” Public Choice
- "The Political, Economic, and Social Aspects of Katrina,” Southern Economic Journal.
- "Where Economics And Philosophy Meet," Economic Journal
- “The Failings of Legal Centralism for Helping Stock Markets in Transition,” Politicka Ekonomie
- “On Reading Hayek: Choice, Consequences and The Road to Serfdom,” European Journal of Political Economy
- “The Limits of Economic Expertise: Prophets, Engineers, and the State in the History of Development Economics,” History of Political Economy
- "Methodological Individualism, Spontaneous Order and the Research Program of the Workshop in Political Theory and Policy Analysis,” Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization
- “The Use and Abuse of History of Economic Thought: The Case of the Austrian School of Economics,” History of Political Economy
- Post Classical Political Economy," American Journal of Economics and Sociology
- "Knight and the Austrians on Capital and the Problem of Socialism," History of Political Economy
- "The Russian Crisis: Perils and Prospects for Post-Soviet Transition," American Journal of Economics & Sociology
- "Soviet Venality: A Rent-Seeking Model of the Communist State," Public Choice
- "Why Are There No Austrian Socialists? Ideology, Science and the Austrian School," Journal of the History of Economic Thought,
- "Perestroika and Public Choice: the economics of autocratic succession in a rent-seeking society," Public Choice
- "Analysis and Vision in Economic Discourse," Journal of the History of Economic Thought
- "The Soviet Experiment with Pure Communism," Critical Review
- "Institutions and Individuals: A Review Essay of Geoffrey Hodgson, Economics and Institutions," Critical Review
- Still impossible after all these years: reply to Caplan.Critical Review.
- “Institutions in Economics.” History of Political Economy.
- “Chaos of Disciplines.” Journal of Economic Literature.
- “The Political Economy of Dictatorship.” Journal of Economic Literature.
- “Political Economy of Forgiveness.” Society.
- “Intersubjectivity in Economics: Agents and Structures.” Journal of Economic Literature.
- “Whither socialism?” Journal of Economic Literature.
- “Formalism and contemporary economics: A reply to Hausman, Heilbroner,and Mayer.” Critical Review.
- “Methodology individualism, spontaneous order and the research program of the Workshop in Political Theory and Policy Analysis.” Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization
- “Peter Berger and the Comedic Drama of Political, Economic and Social Life.” Society.
- “Cultures Merging: A Historical and Economic Critique of Culture.” Economic Development and Cultural Change.
- “Gordon Tullock's Contribution to spontaneous order studies.” Public Choice.
Peter Leeson
Comparative Historical Political Economy (with P. Boettke and C. Coyne). Journal of Institutional Economics
The Amplication Effect: Foreign Aid Impact on Political Institutions (with N. Dutta and C. Williamson). Kyklos
Gypsy Law.Public Choice
God Damn: The Law and Economics of Monastic Malediction. Journal of Law, Economics,and Organization
Billionairesî(with T. Sanandaji). Industrial and Corporate Change
Chicken Soup for the Out-of-Step Scholarís Soul (with G. Callahan). American Journal of Economics and Sociology
Sassywood (with C. Coyne). Journal of Comparative Economics
Hooligans (with D. Smith and N. Snow). Revue d economie Politique
Think Tanks (with M. Ryan and C. Williamson). Journal of Comparative Economics
Hate Groups and Hate Crime (with M. Ryan). International Review of Law and Economics
Government, Clubs, and Constitutions. Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization
Was Privateering Plunder Efficient? (with A. Nowrasteh). Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization
Race, Politics, and Punishmentî (with R. Sobel). European Journal of Law and Economics
Opportunism and Organization Under the Black Flag. Organizational Dynamics
Pirational Choice: The Economics of Infamous Pirate Practices. Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization
Two Cheers for Capitalism? Society
Takingsî (with P. Boettke and C. Coyne). Georgetown Journal of Law and Public Policy
Rational Choice, Round Robin, and Rebellion: An Institutional Solution to the Problems of Revolution. Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization
Racial Fractionalization and School Performanceî(with J. Hall). American Journal of Economics and Sociology
The Democratic Domino Theory: An Empirical Investigation (with A. Dean). American Journal of Political Science
Two-Tiered Entrepreneurship and Economic Development (with P. Boettke). International Review of Law and Economics
The Calculus of Piratical Consent: The Myth of the Myth of Social Contract. Public Choice
Media as a Mechanism of Institutional Change and Reinforcementî (with C. Coyne). Kyklos
The Laws of Lawlessness. Journal of Legal Studies
How Important is State Enforcement for Trade? American Law and Economics Review
Media Freedom, Political Knowledge, and Participation. Journal of Economic Perspectives
Weathering Corruptionî(with R. Sobel). Journal of Law and Economics
Social Distance and Self-Enforcing Exchange. Journal of Legal Studies
Coordination without Command: Stretching the Scope of Spontaneous Order. Public Choice
How Do Rulers Choose? Dual Domains of Discretion in Political Decision Making (with C. Coyne). Journal of Economic Issues
An-arrgh-chy: The Law and Economics of Pirate Organization. Journal of Political Economy
Better Off Stateless: Somalia Before and After Government Collapse. Journal of Comparative Economics
The Reformers Dilemma: Media, Policy Ownership, and Reform (with C. Coyne). European Journal of Law and Economics
Good for the Goose, Bad for the Gander: International Labor Standards and Comparative Developmentî (with J. Hall). Journal of Labor Research
The Political, Economic, and Social Aspects of Katrina (with P. Boettke, E. Chamlee-Wright, P. Gordon, S. Ikeda, and R. Sobel). Southern Economic Journal
Anarchy, Monopoly, and Predation.îJournal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics
Efficient Anarchy. Public Choice
The Use of Knowledge in Natural Disaster Relief Managementî (with R. Sobel). Independent Review
How Much Benevolence is Benevolent Enough? Public Choice
Governments Response to Hurricane Katrina: A Public Choice Analysis (with R. Sobel). Public Choice
Comparing Apples: Normalcy, Russia, and the Remaining Post-Socialist World (with W. Trumbull). Post-Soviet Affairs
Cooperation and Conáict: Evidence on Self-Enforcing Arrangements and Heterogeneous Groups.American Journal of Economics and Sociology
Endogenizing Fractionalization. Journal of Institutional Economics
Self-Enforcing Arrangements in African Political Economy. Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization
Is Government Inevitable? (with E. Stringham). Independent Review
Read All About It! Understanding the Role of Media in Economic Developmentî (with C. Coyne). Kyklos
“Ordeals.” Journal of Law and Economics
“Comparing the spread of capitalism and democracy.” Economics Letters.
“Outlaw Economics: Doing Business on the Fringes of the State. A Review Essay.” Comparative Studies in Society and History.
“The Invisible Hook: The Hidden Economics of Pirates.” World Trade Review.
“Trading with Bandits.” Journal of Law and Economics.
“Democratic Constitutional Design and Public Policy: Analysis and Evidence.” Public Choice.
Juan Ramón Rallo
- La crisis subprime a la luz de la teoría austríaca del ciclo económico: expansión crediticia, errores de decisión y riesgo moral. Revista de economía mundial.
- El efecto de los impuestos a las transacciones financieras en la estabilidad de los mercados de capital. Un debate sin resolver. Trimestre Económico.
- A free market bailout alternative? European Journal of Law and Economics
Philip Bagus
- The continuing continuum problem of deposits and loans. Journal of Business Ethics
- A Cardiograph of the Dollar's Quality: Qualitative Easing and the Federal Reserve Balance Sheet During the Subprime Crisis. Prague Economic Papers
- The legitimacy of loan maturity mismatching: A risky, but not fraudulent, undertaking. Journal of Business Ethics
Andreas Hoffmann
- Did the Fed and ECB React Asymmetrically with Respect to Asset Market Developments? Forthcoming in Journal of Policy Modelling
- Carry Trades and Speculative Manias: Evidence from Central and Eastern Europe. Accepted for Publication in the Journal of Post-Keynesian Economics.
- A Vicious Cycle of Manias, Crises and Asymmetric Policy Responses - An Overinvestment View. The World Economy
- The Theory of Optimum Currency Areas and Growth in Emerging Markets. Applied Economics Letters
- An Overinvestment Cycle in Central and Eastern Europe? Metroeconomica
- Monetary Policy, Vagabonding Liquidity and Bursting Bubbles in New and Emerging Markets – An Overinvestment View. The World Economy
Robert Mulligan
- "New Evidence on the Structure of Production: Real and Austrian Business Cycle Theory in Light of Minsky's Financial Instability Hypothesis," forthcoming in the Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization
- "A Fractal Comparison of Real and Austrian Business Cycle Theories," Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications
- "Export-Import Endogeneity in the Context of the Thirlwall-Hussain Model: an Application of the Durbin-Wu-Hausman Test Incorporating a Monte Carlo Experiment," Applied Economics Letter
- “A Simple Model for Estimating Newbuilding Costs.” Maritime Economics & Logistics.
Edward Stringham
- “Public Choice and the Economic Analysis of Anarchy: A Survey.” Public Choice
- “Evaluating Economic Justifications for Alcohol Restrictions.” American Journal of Economics and Sociology
- “Overlapping Jurisdictions, Proprietary Communities, and
- Competition in the Realm of Law.” Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics
- “No Booze? You May Lose: Why Drinkers Earn More Money Than Nondrinkers.” Journal of Labor Research
- “The Failings of Legal Centralism for Helping Stock Markets in Transition.” Politická Ekonomie
- “Incentives vs. Knowledge: Reply to Caplan.” Critical Review
- “Commerce, Markets, and Peace: Richard Cobden’s Enduring Lessons.” Independent Review
- “Embracing morals in economics: The role of internal moral constraints in a market economy.” Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization.
- “Hayekian anarchism.” Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization.
- “Rivalry and superior dispatch: an analysis of competing courts in medieval and early modern England.” Public Choice
Robert P. Murphy
“Interest and the Marginal Product of Capital: A Critique of Samuelson.” Journal of the History of Economic Thought, forthcoming.
“Dangers of the One-Good Model: Böhm-Bawerk’s Critique of the ‘Naïve Productivity Theory’ of Interest.” Journal of the History of Economic Thought
Steven Horwitz
“Do We Need a Distinct Monetary Constitution?” (symposium in honor of James Buchanan), Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 2011, forthcoming
“Unfortunately Unfamiliar with Robert Higgs and Others: A Rejoinder to Gauti Eggertsson on the 1930s,” Econ Journal Watch
“Great Apprehensions, Prolonged Depression: Gauti Eggertsson on the 1930s,” Econ Journal Watch
“Wal-Mart to the Rescue: Private Enterprise’s Response to Hurricane Katrina,” The Independent Review
“The Functions of the Family in the Great Society,” Cambridge Journal of Economics
“From Smith to Menger to Hayek: Liberalism in the Spontaneous Order Tradition,” The Independent Review
“Keynes and Capitalism One More Time: A Further Reply to Hill,” Critical Review
“Monetary Calculation and Mises's Critique of Planning,” History of Political Economy
“Labor Market Coordination and Monetary Equilibrium: W. H. Hutt's Place in 'Pre-Keynesian' Macro,” Journal of Labor Research
“Reply to Cottrell,” Journal of the History of Economic Thought
“Capital Theory, Inflation, and Deflation: The Austrians and Monetary Disequilibrium Theory Compared,” Journal of the History of Economic Thought
“Keynes on Capitalism: Reply to Hill,” Critical Review
“Systemic Rationality and the Effects of Financial Regulation: Rejoinder to Kindleberger,” Critical Review
“Complementary Non-Quantity-Theory Approaches to Money: Hilferding's Finance Capital and Free Banking Theory,” History of Political Economy
“Government Intervention: Source or Scourge of Monetary Order?” review essay on Charles Kindleberger's Manias, Crashes, and Panics, Critical Review
“Competitive Currencies, Legal Restrictions, and the Origins of the Fed: Some Evidence from the Panic of 1907,” Southern Economic Journal
Keynes's Special Theory,” Critical Review
“Apartheid and the Market: A Response to Hoffenberg,” (with Peter J. Boettke and David L. Prychitko), Critical Review
“Big Players and the Economic Theory of Expectations.” Journal of Economic Literature.
“An Economic Analysis of the Family.” Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization.
“Complementary non-quantity theory approaches to Money: Hilferding’s Finance Capital and free-banking theory.” History of Political Economy.
“Hayek, Co-ordination, and Evolution: His Legacy in Philosophy, Politics, Economics, and the History of Ideas.” Southern Economic Journal.
“The Austrian School: Market Order and Entrepreneurial Creativity.” History of Political Economy.
“The Cambridge Companion to Hayek.” History of Political Economy.
David Prichitko
- "Hayek on Hayek: An Autobiographical Dialogue." Southern Economic Journal.
- Beyond Positivism and Relativism: Theory, Method, and Evidence."Southern Economic Journal.
- The Traders' Cross: Identifying Traders' Surpluses in the Traditional Edgeworth Exchange Diagram."Journal of Economic Education.
- Communicative action and the radical constitution: the Habermasian challenge to Hayek, Mises and their descendents."Cambridge Journal of Economics.
Lawrence H. White
- "The Geography of Money." Journal of Economic Literature.
- "The Federal Reserve System's Influence on Research in Monetary Economics." Econ Journal Watch.
- "Evolution and Procedures in Central Banking." Journal of Economic Literature.
- "Why didn't Hayek favor Laissez Faire in banking?." History of Political Economy.
- "Competition and finance: A reinterpretation of financial and monetary economics." Journal of Economic Literature.
- "The quantity theory of money: From Locke to Keynes and Friedman." Journal of Economic Literature.
- "A fiscal theory of government's role in money." Economic Inquiry.
- "How would the invisible hand handle money?." Journal of Economic Literature.
- "Monetary reform and the redemption of national bank notes, 1863-1913." Business History Review.
- "Laissez-Faire Monetary Theorists in Late Nineteenth Century." Southern Economic Journal.
- "What Do We Know About Menger?--Comment\Reply." History of Political Economy.
- "The Evolution of a Free Banking System." Economic Inquiry.
- "Communication: Money and the invisible hand: A correction." Journal of Economic Literature.
- "The effect of the designated hitter rule on hit batsmen: Pitcher's moral hazard or the team's cost-benefit calculation: A comment." Economic Inquiry.
- "Has the Fed been a failure?." Journal of Macroeconomics.
- "Competitive Monies and the Suffolk Bank System: Comment/Competitive Monies and the Suffolk Bank System: Reply." Southern Economic Journal.
Walter E. Block
- "Anti-Discrimination Laws: Undermining Our Rights." Journal of Business Ethics.
- "Money Does Not Grow on Trees: An Argument for Usury." Journal of Business Ethics.
- "The Case Against Fiduciary Media: Ethics is the Key." Journal of Business Ethics.
- "Time Deposits, Dimensions, and Fraud." Journal of Business Ethics.
- "Nuclear Power." Journal of Business Ethics.
- "Decentralization, Subsidiarity, Rodney King and State Deification: A Libertarian Analysis." European Journal of Law and Economics.
- "A critique of the legal and philosophical case for rent control." Journal of Business Ethics.
- "Drug prohibition: A legal and economic analysis." Journal of Business Ethics.
- "Discrimination: An Interdisciplinary Analysis." Journal of Business Ethics.
Thomas DiLorenzo
- "Antitrust Policy and Competitiveness." Society.
- "The Dunlop Commission Report: Implications for small business and the economy." Journal of Labor Research.
- "The Future of Unions as Political Organizations." Journal of Labor Research.
- "Suburban legends." Society.
- "Voluntarism and health care." Society.
- "Exclusive Representation in Public Employment: A Public Choice Perspective." Journal of Labor Research.
- "Unions, Politics, and Protectionism." Journal of Labor Research.
- "The Profit of Nonprofits: Unfair Competition in the Computer Software and Audiovisual Industries." Journal of Small Business Management.
Roger Garrison
- "Ahiakpor on Mises and Forced Saving: A Rejoinder." History of Political Economy.
- "Overconsumption and Forced Saving in the Mises-Hayek Theory of the Business Cycle." History of Political Economy.
- "The Natural Rate of Unemployment: Reflections on 25 Years of the Hypothesis." Southern Economic Journal.
- "Friedman's 'plucking model': Comment." Economic Inquiry.
- "The Economics of Frederich Hayek." Southern Economic Journal.
- "The Experience of Free Banking." Southern Economic Journal.
- "Austrian Capital Theory: The Early Controversies." History of Political Economy.
- "Time and Money: The Universals of Macroeconomic Theorizing." Journal of Macroeconomics.
Israel Kirzner
- "Information-Knowledge and Action-Knowledge." Econ Journal Watch.
- "The alert and creative entrepreneur: a clarification." Small Business Economics.
- "Hayek, Co-ordination and Evolution: His Legacy in Philosophy." Southern Economic Journal.
- "Hayek and economic ignorance: reply to friedman." Critical Review.
- "Entrepreneurial discovery and the competitive market process: An Austrian approach." Journal of Economic Literature.
Mark Thornton
- "Cantillon, Hume, and the Rise of Antimercantilism." History of Political Economy.
- "Richard Cantillon and the Discovery of Opportunity Cost." History of Political Economy.
- "Does Academic Publishing Pass the Real Market Test?." Public Choice.
- "Drug Policy." Econ Journal Watch.
Daniel D'Amico
- “The Prison in Economics: Private and Public Incarceration in Ancient Athens,” Public Choice.
- The Internet and the Structure of Discourse: The Websites of Economists at Harvard and George Mason,” Econ Journal Watch.
Virgil Storr
- “’There’s no place like New Orleans’: Sense of place and community recovery in the Ninth Ward after Hurricane Katrina” (with Emily Chamlee-Wright),Journal of Urban Affairs
- Club goods and post-disaster community return” (with Emily Chamlee-Wright),Rationality and Society
- “Expectations of government`s response to disaster” (with Emily Chamlee-Wright),Public Choice
Adam G. Martin
- “Two-Tiered Political Entrepreneurship and the Congressional Committee System,” with Diana Thomas, Public Choice
- “Critical Realism and the Austrian Paradox,” Cambridge Journal of Economics
David Skarbek
- “The Governance Institutions of a Drug Trafficking Organization” (with J. Kostelnik) Public Choice
- “Anarchy, Groups, and Conflict: An Experiment on the Emergence of Protective Associations” (with A.Smith and B. Wilson) Social Choice & Welfare
- “Prison Gangs, Norms, and Organizations” Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization
- “Sweatshops, Opportunity Costs, and Non-Monetary Compensation: Evidence from El Salvador” (with E. Skarbek, B. Skarbek, and E. Skarbek) American Journal of Economics & Sociology
- “Governance and Prison Gangs” American Political Science Review
- “Putting the ‘Con’ into Constitutions: The Economics of Prison Gangs” The Journal of Law, Economics,& Organization
- “Self-Governance in San Pedro Prison” The Independent Review
- “Sweatshops Wages and Third World Living Standards: Are the Jobs Worth the Sweat?” (with B. Powell) Journal of Labor Research
Diana W. Thomas
“Corporate Lobbying, Political Connections, and the Bailout of Banks” (with Ben Blau and Tyler
Brough) Journal of Banking and Finance
“Rational Irrationality and the Political Process of Repeal: The Women's Organization for National
Prohibition Reform and the 21st amendment,” (with Michael Thomas and Nick Snow), Kyklos
“Two-Tiered Political Entrepreneurship and the Congressional Committee System,” (with Adam
Martin) Public Choice
“Bootleggers, Baptists and Political Entrepreneurs: Key Players in the Rational and Morality Play of
Regulatory Politics,” (with Randy Simmons and Ryan Yonk) The Independent Review
“Deregulation Despite Transitional Gains – The Brewers Guild of Cologne 1461,”
Christopher Coyne
“Perfecting Tyranny: Foreign Intervention as Experimentation in State Control,” The
Independent Review: A Journal of Political Economy
“Earw(h)ig: I Can’t Hear You Because Your Ideas are Old,”
“Symposium on James M. Buchanan and Classical Liberalism: Introduction,”
“The Origins of the Permanent War Economy,” The Independent Review: A Journal of Political
“The Political Economy of the Reconstruction Era Race Riots,” Public Choice
“Comparative Historical Political Economy,” Journal of Institutional Economics
“The Militarization of U.S. Domestic Policing,” The Independent Review: A Journal of Political
“Sassywood,” Journal of Comparative Economics
“Lessons from The Cultural and Political Economy of Recovery,” American Journal of Economics and Sociology
“Constitutions and Crisis,” Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization
“Quasimarket Failure,” Public Choice
“Cointegrating Institutions: The Time-Series Properties of International Institutional Measures,”
Journal of Law and Economics
“The Debt-Inflation Cycle and the Global Financial Crisis,” Global Policy
“Rituals: An Economic Interpretation,” Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization
“Entrepreneurship and the Taste for Discrimination,” Journal of Evolutionary Economics
“Comment on Hanssen and Meehan, ‘Who Integrated Major League Baseball Faster Winning
Teams or Losing Teams?’,” Journal of Sports Economics
“The Problem of Credible Commitment in Reconstruction,” Journal of Institutional Economics
“Media as a Mechanism of Institutional Change and Reinforcement,” Kyklos,
“With Friends Like These, Who Needs Enemies? Aiding the World’s Worst Dictators,” The
Independent Review: A Journal of Political Economy
“The Politics of Bureaucracy and the Failure of Post-War Reconstruction,” Public Choice
“How Do Rulers Choose? Dual Domains of Discretion in Political Decision Making,” Journal
of Economic Issues
“Institutional Stickiness and the New Development Economics," American Journal of
Economics and Sociology
“The Reformers’ Dilemma: Media, Policy Ownership and Reform,” European Journal of Law
and Economics
“Nineteen Public Bads of Empire, Nation Building, and the Like,” The Independent Review: A
Journal of Political Economy
“Empire: Public Goods and Bads,” Econ Journal Watch
“The Political Economy of Forgiveness,” Society
“Where Economics And Philosophy Meet,” Economic Journal
“Reconstructing Weak and Failed States: Foreign Intervention and the Nirvana Fallacy,”
Foreign Policy Analysis
“Does the Market Self-Correct? Asymmetrical Adjustment and the Structure of Economic
Error,” Review of Political Economy
“Methodological Individualism, Spontaneous Order and the Research Program of the Workshop
in Political Theory and Policy Analysis,” Journal of Economic Behavior and
“Read All About It! Understanding the Role of Media in Economic Development,” Kyklos
“Order in The Jungle,” The Independent Review: A Journal of Political Economy
Faltan Richard Wagner,Randall Holcombe, Robert Higgs, Karen Vaughn, Bruce Caldwell, Mario Rizzo,Nicolai Foss, Peter G. Klein, Roger Koppl
Comments from WordPress
:) 2013-04-16T10:15:44Z
Es un artículo muy útil :)
artir 2013-04-16T10:17:52Z
Lo sé. :)
:) 2013-04-16T10:21:47Z
Aunque me gustó más el de la mecedora de Huerta, es de los mejores :D
artir 2013-04-16T10:23:05Z
Alguien tenía que hacerlo xD. Todo el mundo hablando de la mecedora, pero nadie se había dignado a juntarlos.
- Top 5 de posts en Artir contra el Mundo | Artir contra el mundo 2013-12-31T19:23:08Z
[…] Austríacos en journals mainstream: El título es bastante explicativo. No existía nada parecido en todo internet, y pensé que sería interesante tener una lista de estos trabajos. […]
- Counting the Austrians economists | Nintil 2016-01-12T22:21:51Z
[…] a previous post (spanish), I listed some Austrian work published in listed (JCR) […]